Contemporary French & Francophone Studies/SITES
In the spirit of continued collaboration, Contemporary French & Francophone Studies/SITES invites all participants presenting papers at the International Colloquium in 20th and 21st-Century French and Francophone Studies to submit their papers. Authors of accepted essays must become subscribers to a full volume of CF&FS. They will receive 2 colloquium issues + 3 additional issues at a 60% discount (see details below***).
Indépendance / Independence
Volume 29.3 and 29.4
Roger Célestin, Eliane DalMolin, Editors
Étienne Achille and François Massonnat, Guest Co-Editors

National, communal, and personal ideals have often hinged upon the promise of some form of independence: from the Haitian Revolution to the Algerian War, from Corsica to Quebec, and from struggles for gender equality to the battles over the protection of the welfare state. Yet, while colonial legacies and debates around national sovereignty and self-determination drive sociopolitical engagements, globalization threatens the very achievability of independence. At the same time, quests for sustainable and non-normative modes of living often collide with neocapitalist logics and the traditional order of things. Conversely, the independentist impulse has also fed into separatist, sovereignist, and isolationist trends, which can manifest through populist, identitarian, and xenophobic policies and acts. As for artistic production, it is caught in a double bind in which economic viability is predicated on a willingness to either abide by market rules or tolerate state or corporate censorship also increasingly affecting the academic world.
How have artists and intellectuals from the French-speaking world engaged with independence and its adjacent concepts of liberty, emancipation, autonomy, experimentation, and agency in the face of the successive economic, political, social, and cultural shifts of the past century?
Deadline for proposals (interviews, essays, photos, fiction, and poetry): TBD. Deadline for completed texts of accepted articles: TBD. Articles must be formatted and submitted in conformity with the standard instructions to contributors to CF&FS Sites: MLA style. Authors are responsible for any copyrights related to their article/illustrations. No illustrations can be printed without copyrights. Length of final essay for this issue must not exceed 3500 words (about 10 journal pages). The volume will also be available online. Inquiries, proposals and completed texts should be emailed to:
In your email, please specify the subject: Indépendance / Independence.

*** Special offer for colloquium participants: Subscribe to CF&FS (SITES) at a special individual subscription rate of £30/€35/US$50 compared to £99/€125/US$158. Cut and send this tab with your payment to: Routledge Customer Services, Taylor & Francis Group, 325 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA, 19106, USA. Fax 215-625-2940. Alternatively, email: or call +44 (0) 20 7017 5543.